Student Success Advice: 10 Steps To Editing Your Assignment
Assignment Writing

Student Success Advice: 10 Steps To Editing Your Assignment

Let’s be honest. Nobody likes to read an assignment again after spending a lot of time researching and drafting it. The blinking cursor that mocks your lack of literary grace and the small black streaks on the dazzling white screen are enough for now. But the fact is this: You must read through your assignment again, no matter how painful it is to do so. In graduate and collegiate programmes, first draughts are rarely used. All students, whether enrolled in a regular on-campus programme or an online degree programme, must write and do assignment editing.

Here are some suggestions to assist you in completing the assignment editing process.

1.  Outline Your Assignment After Setting It Aside

When you have finished your assignment (or even just a paragraph), lay it aside and quickly outline the goals you have for that particular piece of writing. This not only enables you to confirm that you are staying on subject, but it also improves the writing’s flow.

For instance, you might discover that, upon reviewing your assignment, you originally intended to discuss how the Saint Leo fundamental principles relate to your courses but instead discussed how they influence Saint Leo students.

Don’t let the word “outline” mislead you. This doesn’t need to be at all official. The format doesn’t matter as long as you are aware of your objectives and can evaluate your work in relation to them. You can write anything, from single words to complete phrases, or use graphic organisers.

2.  Review Your Thesis

Does your thesis address the assignment’s question?

After writing the bulk of the work, you may occasionally need to update your thesis because it might have somewhat changed.

There is no cause for concern here. Your thesis may evolve as a result of your study and writing, unless your lecturer specifies that it must remain the same as what you initially proposed. When you are finished writing, you may discover that the initial direction you took does not exactly fit what you started with.

Don’t go crazy.

Simply read your essay again, consider the point you are currently making, and either include it in your original thesis or develop a new one.

3. Check Your Topic Sentences And The Content Of Your Body

Do the topic sentences in the body paragraphs and each paragraph’s subheadings reference your thesis?

Consider your body copy as a series of brief essays, with your topic phrases serving as the thesis. Nothing should stray off-topic, of course.

You wouldn’t want a topic phrase like “The assignment load in the classes is too great,” for instance if your thesis is on how the Saint Leo core principles apply to your schoolwork.

Write a thesis-supporting topic sentence. “I try to apply personal development to each assignment I finish, even if my classes include a lot of assignments,” the student said.

The information about your body is the same. For instance, explain how you would use personal development in each task after the theme line above.

“I make an effort to get better with each assignment. “At the beginning of the semester, I struggled to get half of the questions on my quizzes right, but as I worked very hard on each of my projects and began to comprehend the material better, I started to get more questions right on my quizzes.”

AssignmentHelpersUK‘s thesis writing service will undoubtedly assist you with this.

4. Take A Look At What You Came To

Your conclusion should not include any new information. Instead, succinctly review the points you made in your paper.

Avoid repeating yourself out loud by saying, “This is what I talked about.” Instead, restate it in a new language.

For instance, if you are discussing writing essays, you may state, “Overall, students must be willing to dedicate themselves to the long road of revision that includes drafting, assignment editing, and rewriting if they wish to achieve in writing.”

Your chance to leave your reader with something to consider is at the conclusion. For instance, in the aforementioned example, you could write towards the conclusion, “Students may rest assured that their papers in all classes will improve over time once these preparations are put into practice.”

5. Cite All Of Your Sources

Cite any direct quotations and paraphrases in your paper. You should still cite something if you are unsure whether you need to. Always choose to overcite rather than undercut.

Add a list of references or books cited to the end of your essay. If you have any questions regarding the works cited or references pages, please refer to the section for your preferred style (MLA or APA).

Citation tools can be utilised for formatting because they save a tonne of time, like

Just a word of warning! Always double-examine the information that these machines generate because they sometimes insert unnecessary information that can cost you points.

6. Review Your Grammar, Please

The most typical grammar mistakes to watch out for when editing are listed below.

Comma Splices: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, or, so, a comma separates two entire sentences without a coordinating conjunction. (Wrong: I visited the store and purchased eggs. True: I visited a store and purchased eggs.)

Use Of Apostrophes: Only use apostrophes when there is a possession issue. Things are not made plural by apostrophes. (Misspelled: The lads’ book. That’s right: the boy’s book.)

Avoid Using Contractions: When writing academically. Write the words down.

Number Alignment: Identify the subject of your conversation and stay on that number. (Misspelled: The pupil brought books to class. The student indeed brought a book to class.)

7. Read Your Assignment Aloud

By using this technique, you can catch passages that you might have missed while reading aloud. It functions well because it adds another sense to the mix. If you run into a section, you probably have a problem that has to be fixed. You can either make corrections as you go or mark them for later

8. Never Settle For A First Draught

Even if we all wish it did, writing is a process that doesn’t finish with the first draught.

Do not settle for a first draft unless you are forced to by the deadline. By putting your words through the writing ringer, you can make them better.

It’s a difficult process, but try not to get disheartened by it, especially if you’re just starting to write at the college and graduate levels.

Since you are human, you won’t always catch everything while editing, but you’ll almost certainly spare yourself the agony of careless mistakes that could mean the difference between a well-earned A and one of those awful B+s.

9. Please Print It

When you read your writing aloud rather than trying to do it while focusing on a bright computer screen, spelling mistakes, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences are easier to spot. Even the text’s formatting can be changed to give you a new perspective on it. Use a red pen to record changes or updates along the path (or any other striking colour).

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10. Observe Proper Syntax

Watch out for grammatical and word choice errors. Using weak verbs and weak adjectives can simply make this problem worse because certain phrases can completely alter the mood or feeling of a piece. A thesaurus should only be used sparingly; make sure your writing is clear and strong. Don’t use a word if you’re not sure how to use it.