My 15-hour days extended to 18 hours thanks to soda and bad food.
Still, I was making no progress.
I had never been instructed on how to compose a thesis.
I was a perfectionist, which just made things worse.
Because none of the sections felt “good enough,” I spent numerous hours writing and revising paragraphs and switching back and forth between chapters.
I eventually completed my thesis, just as I was exhausting myself and spiraling into a depressing cycle of anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.
I can still recall my thoughts as I handed the document to my thesis committee.
Surely there is a better approach.
After completing my thesis, I spent the following few years researching the procedure and coming up with a more efficient technique.
Since then, I’ve taught countless PhD candidates how to write theses.
Here are seven guidelines for writing a solid thesis assignment that I have learned and continue to impart to other PhD candidates.
1. Be Aware of the Questions You’re Posing
You should always be aware of your hypothesis or the inquiries your thesis assignment makes.
Although it might seem obvious, a lot of graduate students start their thesis without first defining their main premise.
The goal of this thesis is to You must be able to state it in a single sentence.
Consult with your supervisor if you are unsure of your thesis assignment question or hypothesis.
I’ve come across a few exceptions to this rule throughout the years.
For instance
Some PhD students worked on numerous little projects during the course of their 8 or 9 years (full-time) in graduate school since no one project was strong enough to support a whole thesis.
These kids’ theses were a hodge-podge, in my opinion.
These students were only permitted to graduate because they had been enrolled in school for such a long time by their thesis committees.
Even though it is possible to combine several smaller projects into one thesis, you shouldn’t put yourself in the hands of your thesis committee.
Always be aware of the question you are posing.
Your question will certainly change as time goes on, but the more defined the goal of your thesis is, the more productive your study will be.
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2. Subdivide Your Thesis Assignment into Clear Stages
Writing a thesis assignment is a process with clearly defined stages.
Depending on your subject, the specifics of each stage may differ significantly, but for the majority of thesis writers, the stages are concept collection in step one, editing and data analysis in step two, and polishing in step three.
Writing at distinct stages will be especially helpful for perfectionists (like myself).
The goal of the first writing stage is to get as many ideas down on paper as you can without critiquing, editing, or formatting your work.
You can unleash your creativity and get past the fear of error that may be preventing you from beginning to compose your thesis by allowing yourself to gather your ideas without judgment.
You must be meticulous with your writing and editing throughout the second stage, which is the editing and data analysis phase.
To submit your manuscript to your supervisor for review at the end of the second phase, it must have a clear structure and a logical flow of ideas.
You must address the suggestions made by your committee and fill in any gaps in the reasoning during the final polishing stage.
Until your document is ready to be turned into the library at your university, polish it repeatedly.
3. You Should Not Depend On Your Academic Advisor
You won’t get all the answers from your academic advisor.
Some advisors are either overworked and unable to effectively mentor you, or they are micromanagers who demand daily updates on your development.
Other academic advisors are simply poor role models who aren’t interested in seeing you graduate in the first place.
In either case, you shouldn’t rely solely on your mentor for all the solutions.
Another reason why you shouldn’t rely on your counsel is…
Your thesis is solely your responsibility.
Your advisor’s job is to guide you and teach you how to conduct independent research; they are not there to be your lifelong companion.
You may or may not find your adviser to be a suitable mentor, but you still need to agree on the course of your study if you want to graduate.
To define the general course of your thesis, you may need to hold numerous sessions if you and your advisor are at odds or if your research is stuck in a rut.
The best way to meet with your advisor is to plan sessions well in advance and arrive at each one with a predetermined agenda.
Students who adopt a proactive strategy before speaking with their supervisors have sessions that are considerably more productive than those who don’t.
Continue to be proactive in scheduling meetings and coming up with answers to your difficulties, even if your adviser is a difficult individual.
Keep track of each encounter you have with him or her and each one they decline.
Otherwise, you’ll be looking for a cheap assignment writing service to get your thesis done.
Finally, turn your position into a professional development opportunity.
4. Acknowledge That You’ll Never Feel Like Writing
You won’t ever want to write your thesis assignment.
Even the most well-known and productive writers in history struggled with writer’s block regularly.
Nothing will make you different. There may be times when you feel like you are going to pass away when you sit down to write.
It’s all right; just begin typing nonsense. Send out sentence slivers. Enter any text. Write things down as soon as possible.
Don’t wait to start writing to get inspired. Instead, venture outside and seek motivation.
Play music that gets you in the writing mood.
The only ways to overcome writer’s block are by using your “writing muscles” and looking for inspiration.
The more motivated and warmed up you are, the more readily your words will flow. Even so, they might begin to construct complete sentences and paragraphs.
Your warm-up phase will gradually get shorter until it is automatic for you to switch to writing mode.
5. Avoid Creating Your Thesis’ Chapters in Order
When I first started writing my thesis, I believed that I had to start with the abstract, move on to the introduction, conduct a thorough literature review, then move on to chapters one and two, and so on until the conclusion.
The worst method to construct a thesis is in this manner.
Writing your thesis in order can result in painful writer’s block that lasts for several months.
Don’t write the abstract before beginning to write your thesis.
Instead, you should write your thesis’s abstract as the final portion.
Since the abstract, by definition, summarizes the key points of your thesis, you should only be able to create a strong abstract after you have completed all of your chapters.
Likewise, avoid starting your thesis by tackling the most challenging chapter.
If you do, writer’s block will unavoidably set in.
Writing the most challenging chapter of your thesis first is equivalent to attempting to deadlift a 500-pound weight without any prior training.
Unable to lift the heavy object, you’ll keep trying until you’re utterly worn out. You’ll eventually give up completely and declare that you are simply incapable of completing the workout.
Instead, begin your thesis by writing the techniques section, since it is the simplest.
The techniques portion is the quickest to begin and finish of all the sections. Before you attempt any heavy lifting, start here to get a few pages under your belt and increase your confidence.
6. Never Use the Phrase “Work On Thesis”
“Work on the thesis” in Your Calendar is not specific enough.
This sentence will either cause you to take a nap, browse the internet, or sit in front of a blank computer screen if you put it in your calendar.
Even if you do manage to write something down or do some data analysis, you’ll do it at random.
Instead, you should translate your labour into quantifiable advancement.
You must be very thoughtful about how you spend your time.
Continue dividing your chapters into smaller sections once you have chosen the order in which you will write them.
You’ll be able to establish clear objectives for each time block you have thanks to this.
7. Concentrate On Writing Briefly
Writing for short periods frequently is more effective than writing for long periods only occasionally.
If you’ve ever attempted to write for several hours straight, you may have seen that your focus starts to wane after 45 to 60 minutes.
It is challenging to maintain your focus for several hours straight over the course of several months (or even years) until you finish your thesis since writing demands imagination.
Avoid the urge to chain yourself to a chair for the entire three to four hours that are scheduled on your calendar.
If you believe that spending more time writing will result in more advancement, you are merely deceiving yourself.
Instead, divide your writing time into manageable chunks with breaks in between.
I advise breaking up your 45 minutes of writing with 15 minutes of downtime.
These downtimes are essential. While away from their workstations, many students have epiphanies that help them be more productive when they get back to work.
When you’re writing your thesis assignment, turn off your email and phone alerts.